Jenny’s Cat Food Recipe (for Humans!) inspired by Oliver and Company

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jennys cat food from oliver and company

What’s Up, Hungry People

When it comes to mystery movie foods that look delectable despite being… well, not for humans, you know I’m going to want to recreate it for myself.

One of these mystery dishes has stuck with me my entire life: the cat food that Jenny makes for Oliver in the movie Oliver & Company (1988). In fact, I have very vivid memories of trying to make this dish for myself probably as early as the age of three or four—I remember trying to mix some pizza dough with water and olives… and was very disappointed when it tasted nothing like the incredible-looking cat food on my 1990s CRT TV.

This mysterious cat food has been requested numerous times over on my TikTok, so I figured it was prime time to make the dish that sparked a lifelong love for recreating movie-related meals.

What’s In Oliver’s Cat Food from Oliver & Company?

In the movie, Jenny serves up her creation to Oliver, calling it “oeufs a la Jenny avec Cocoa Krispies.” In French, “oeufs” means eggs, so we know right off the bat that this is likely the base for the dish. She also pours in what she calls Cocoa Krispies, but what appears to be Cocoa Puffs comes out of the box. Perhaps she misspoke—but personally, I think Cocoa Puffs look more like what is being mixed in.

In my recipe, I used both! But feel free to pick your favorite. I think that Cocoa Puffs look more like dog kibble or kitty chow than Cocoa Krispies—and Jenny does feed Oliver out of Georgette’s bowl, which leads me to believe it might be actual dog food on top.

Heck, I even served up my dessert in my dog’s actual bowl, which really completed the effect for me (don’t worry, my dog got to have a little bit of sugar-free whipped cream as a “thank you”).

Making Jenny’s Cat Food

Unfortunately for Jenny, making this dish for an actual cat would probably be a very bad idea. For humans, however – it’s perfection!

  • eggs – technically we just need the yolks from the eggs (you can save or discard the whites)
  • sugar – to sweeten the custard pudding
  • cornstarch – will thicken the eggs into a custard consistency
  • cocoa powder – just enough to color the pudding off white to match the color seen in the movie
  • vanilla – for added flavor
  • milk – whole milk works best for a thick custard
  • heavy cream – to give the custard a silky smooth texture
  • Cocoa Krispies & Cocoa Puffs – one or both cereals can be sprinkled on top
  • whipped cream topping – right out of the can, a la “Jenny-style”
oeufs a la jenny avec cocoa krispy

Let’s Cook

Start with all of the ingredients in a cold pot—this is crucial to avoid any scrambling situations. Turn on the heat to medium, and whisk constantly to keep things smooth and prevent burning. Seriously, whisk like your dessert depends on it (because it does). It might feel like the custard will never come together, and then suddenly, it will thicken like magic. Once it starts to bubble, let it go for just a minute or two—you don’t want to overdo it and end up with pudding instead.

Take it off the heat, and stir in the cold butter until it melts completely. Then, pour your custard into a heatproof bowl, press plastic wrap directly on the surface (no one likes pudding skin), and chill for 8-10 hours.

When you’re ready to serve, scoop that chilled custard into some serving bowls (or, if you’re going full Jenny, a clean dog bowl). Top with your Cocoa Krispies, add a hefty swirl of whipped cream, and sprinkle on some Cocoa Puffs for good measure.

oliver and company cat food recipe for humans

Extra Tips for Perfect Custard

  • Don’t skip the cold start: Starting with everything cold and slowly heating it up helps prevent the eggs from cooking too quickly and becoming scrambled.
  • Keep whisking: Constant whisking is the secret to a smooth custard. It helps prevent any lumps and keeps the mixture from sticking to the bottom of the pot.
  • Watch the bubbles: As soon as the mixture starts to bubble, let it go for just 1-2 minutes. Any longer, and you risk over-thickening.
  • Chill it well: The custard needs to chill for 8-10 hours to fully set. If you’re short on time, you can chill it in an ice bath first to speed things up.

Common Questions About Oeufs a la Jenny

  • Can I use low-fat milk instead of whole milk? Whole milk is best for achieving that thick, creamy custard, but you can use low-fat milk if you’re okay with a slightly thinner consistency.
  • Do I really have to use both Cocoa Krispies and Cocoa Puffs? Nope! You can use either one, or both, depending on which cereal you think looks more like Jenny’s mix.
  • Why is the butter added at the end? Adding cold butter at the end gives the custard a glossy finish and adds richness to the texture.
  • Can this dessert be made ahead of time? Yes, it’s actually best if made ahead! The custard needs time to chill and set, so making it the day before is perfect.

Watch It On TikTok

@fictionalfeastfelicia Replying to @nicolewillow45 and for ze kitty, the house specialty: œufs a la Jenny avec Cocoa Krispies 😻 #oliverandcompany #fictionalfeasts #reciperequest #thestarvingchef #streetsavoirefaire #fictionalfeast #reciperequests #oeufsalajenny #oliverandco ♬ Why Should I Worry (from 'Oliver & Company' OST) – Billy Joel

What fictional feasts should I make next? Head over to TikTok to leave a comment!

So there you have it, Hungry People—Jenny’s cat food, straight from Oliver & Company to your kitchen (minus the actual cats and dogs). Whipping this up feels like bringing a bit of the movie magic to life, with a twist that’s more sweet treat than feline feast. It’s one of those fun little projects that reminds us why playing with food isn’t just for kids. Next time you’re craving a little nostalgia, this might be just the thing to mix up—no need to share it with your pets, unless they’re up for some sugar-free whipped cream!

Jenny’s Cat Food from Oliver & Company

The Starving Chef
A sweet custard pudding topped with Cocoa Puffs and Cocoa Rice Krispies, inspired by Jenny’s cat food from Oliver & Company.
No ratings yet
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Chill Time 8 hours
Total Time 8 hours 20 minutes
Course Dessert, Fictional Feasts
Cuisine Disney
Servings 8



  • In a large pot, without the heat on, whisk together the sugar, cornstarch, and cocoa powder.
  • Turn the heat to medium. While the pot is still cold, whisk in the cold milk, heavy cream, and yolks. Whisk continuously until the yolks have mixed in completely and the liquid is frothy.
  • Continue to whisk, scraping the bottom as the liquid heats up to prevent burning. This process can take up to 15 minutes. The liquid should quickly thicken and begin to bubble. Only let it bubble for about 1-2 minutes, or else the mixture will thicken up too much. Whisk until a custard consistency, then remove from the heat.
  • Stir in the cold butter until it is completely melted, then transfer the custard to a heatproof bowl. Place plastic wrap on top and press down so that the plastic wrap is touching the surface of the custard. Chill for 8-10 hours.
  • Spoon the chilled custard into serving bowls (aka clean dog bowls, as desired) and top with Cocoa Rice Krispies. Then add a generous amount of whipped cream and top it off with even more Cocoa Puffs. Serve right away and enjoy!
Keyword chocolate, custard, eggs, pudding
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!