Tips and Gear for Filming Your Favorite Recipes
The Starving Chef is supported by Hungry People like you. When you make a purchase through an affiliate link on my site, I may earn a little bit of cash on the side (at no extra cost to you) to help keep my kitchen running. Read our disclosures here.
What’s Up, Hungry People
Ever wonder how those recipe videos that pop up in your Facebook feed are created? When you’re a food blogger like me, cooking is just the beginning.
Not only do you need to be adept in the kitchen, but the presentation has to be spot on as well. This involves making sure each dish is well lit and capturing multiple camera angles on everything. Often, I find myself contorting into odd positions and awkward stances just to ensure that a shot—likely only to be used for a few seconds—is perfect.
And yes, sometimes that means taking pictures of a camera filming another camera filming. It’s all part of the behind-the-scenes magic!
Meet the “TEAM” behind the Starving Chef:
In my arsenal, I have an array of cameras to capture my culinary exploits. From my Nikon D3200 DSLR equipped with various lenses to my 4K handycam, each device is chosen for a specific purpose. I’ve even utilized GoPros and webcams to nail that ideal shot.
What was I making? Watch the recipe for cafeteria copy cat crispitos:
Get my gear:
(These are affiliate links. That means if you buy somehing from my list, I get a little cut of the profit – at no cost to you!)
~ 4K Camcorder:
~ Timelapse camera:
~ DLSR Camera:
~ Ring light:
~ Umbrella lights:
~ Butcher’s Block:
Cook like the Starving Chef:
Shout out to Brook Lark at The Cheeky Kitchen for hosting this video challenge! Five more weeks to go – stay tuned to see what video challenge is next.
ulling off a successful food blog involves much more than just whipping up tasty dishes—it’s about capturing the essence of cooking through a lens. Each recipe shoot is a blend of culinary skill and cinematic flair, where every angle and lighting adjustment matters. As I navigate through awkward stances and multi-camera setups, it’s all about sharing that perfect bite visually. Thanks to gear like my DSLR and 4K camcorder, I can bring each recipe to life in vibrant detail. Keep watching as I take on new video challenges, bringing you even closer to the kitchen action. Here’s to many more weeks of food, fun, and filming!